Help & Support


For your teacher to be able to enter your dancer into an event, you must first sign up to our online portal.
This can be done by clicking the 'Your Account' page in our navigation bar or you can log in below.

If you are an independent entry (not associated with a dance school or attending an event without one) you can also book into an event through your parent/dancer account.

Please note: some events have this feature turned off, please contact our team for support.

  • Need an activation email or password reset?

    You can do this on the main start screen for our Cloud, if you don't receive the email, please contact us:

    Email with your membership number.

  • Teacher/Parent/Dancer Account?

    There are three different types of CUO CLOUD account, each have different abilities.

    TEACHER - A teacher account can create a dance school, manage abilities, and organise entries for all dancers in the school. Teacher accounts cannot create dancers, a parent account is required. Parents are NOT permitted to create a teacher account.

    PARENT - A parent account can create a dancer attached to their account, enrol them into a school and enter them independently (ONLY if the dance school is not already attending that event).

    DANCER - Created by a parent account if the dancer is 15ys or younger, can be an independent account without a parent from 16yrs old. Dancers can join a dance school and enter competitions independently (ONLY if the dance school is not already attending that event).

    Still unsure which account is right for you? 

    Contact our team

  • How do I join a dance school?

    It only takes a couple of minutes!



    Once you've set up your parent account,  go to MY DANCERS, CREATE A DANCER, and enter your child's details. 

    Then go to MANAGE/VIEW DANCER DETAILS (next to the dancer's name), select DANCER'S DANCE SCHOOLS, JOIN DANCE SCHOOL. 

    Start typing the name in and select from the drop down menu. Enter the Centre Passcode if you have it, if you don't the teacher will have to approve your request to join. 

    And you're in!

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